Tweets of a racially insensitive nature that Allen had already deleted surfaced on Wednesday, but did not impact former Wyoming quarterback Allen’s stock in the draft as the Buffalo Bills traded up to pick number seven to select him.

Speaking afterwards, Allen revealed the Bills, who sent the 12th pick and two second-rounders to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in order to get in position to make the selection, contacted him directly regarding the tweets beforehand.

“We had a talk on the phone,” Allen said. “They just basically wanted explanations for everything, and I gave them to them. I owned up to my mistakes, told them exactly what happened.

“They trusted me. They trusted my judgment. I think they did their due diligence in talking to my coaches, talking to team-mates.

“There’s never been a problem with me and my team-mates. I love those guys, and I guarantee you they would say some really good things about me.

“I think somebody knew what they were doing. There were some tweets that were already deleted probably a few months, if [not] a year, ago. Somebody knew what they were doing.

“It’s out there. It’s my fault. I can’t blame anybody else for my own mistakes. Success is the best revenge, and the plan is to win football games and earn my team-mates’ respect and my coaches’ respect.”

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