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They provide Passive Skills, Active Skills, and all have unique Super Attacks. But, which ones are the best in this well-intentioned but highly flawed game? Let’s take a look at all of them in Dragon Ball: The Breakers and make sure to consider not only the Passive or Active Skills they offer, but also the utility of their Ki Blasts and even the usability of their Super Attacks.

Disclaimer: Star Rarities only separate which costumes, Super Attacks, or Skills the Transphere provide. They have nothing to do with damage, so they aren’t mentioned in these rankings.

9 Vegeta

It’s a shame to see the once-villainous “Prince of all Saiyans” at the bottom of the list, but he really is one of the weaker options. Granted, he can provide the Saiyan Escape Pod Active Skill, but that’s about it. Both of his

Super Attacks are easy for the Raider to dodge, his Ki Blasts are nothing to be impressed by, and the only other Skill he has a chance of having is On Guard, which isn’t really worth equipping. Maybe when the game finally adds Super Saiyan transformations, he’ll become more usable, but only time will tell.

8 Android 18

Next up is Android 18, a character currently exclusive to those who pre-ordered the game ahead of time. For everyone else, she’ll likely appear in a future Spirit Siphon banner (probably the next one in season 1), but for now, she’s not currently obtainable.

The thing is, Android 18’s Super Attacks and Ki Blasts are okay, but her range of potential Passive Skills is what puts her on the list. When obtained from the pre-order, she could potentially have Barrier Auto Recovery or VIP Special alongside the guaranteed Wall Kick. However, it’s a shame that players can’t roll to get her other possible option.

7 Gohan (Teen)

The Teen version of Gohan is on the other end of the Spectrum from Android 18. While the Skills he has the potential to offer are pretty lackluster (High Alert just increases heartbeat Range and Flying Nimbus is just bad), his combat potential is high.

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Kamehameha is a classic and good-damage Super, Full Power Energy Wave is decent, and Masenko is great because of its fast animation speed. Additionally, his Ki Blasts are pretty good overall in terms of speed and damage.

6 Tien

Tien made it this high onto the list almost exclusively because of his Ki Blast. Dodon Ray is what he uses as his Ki Blast for levels 1 and 2 and his Tri-Beam Attack seems to be what he uses for level 3. While the Tri-Beam is debatable in terms of usefulness, Dodon Ray, both the Super Attack and Ki Blast variants, is fantastic.

It’s fast, it does great damage, and it’s hard for the Raider to avoid on reaction. Outside of that, however, Tien doesn’t really have a lot to offer in terms of Passive or Active Skills. Solar Flare is the worst of the stun-type Active Skills, Movement Speed Boost is not worth using, and On Guard is also pretty forgettable.

5 Yamcha

This next entry following Tien’s is kind of funny, as he got high in the rankings because of his fighting power while Yamcha is making it here because of the Skills he offers. As a fighter, Yamcha is pretty decent, Wolf Fang Fist is great (if the tracking works and it actually hits) or is useful for escaping, and Full Power Energy Wave is pretty alright too.

But, Yamcha can also have the Fake Death Active Skill or the VIP Special Passive Skill. Fake Death is a hilarious implementation of one of the most iconic death scenes ever and can actually be useful if used creatively. And, likewise, VIP Special is undoubtedly one of the best Passive Skills in the game.

4 Trunks

Trunks is probably the best blend of useful damaging abilities and useful Skills out of the Transpheres, as he has fantastic Skills and Super Attacks like S.O.S and Burning Attack. That said, his other options for Skills and Supers, that being the Slide Skill and both variations of Full Power Energy Super Attacks, are not all too amazing.

To sum him up, he’s great with a specific configuration but mediocre otherwise.

3 Goku

Ah, the poster boy for the entire franchise and one of the most iconic characters in modern history, Son Goku from the planet Vegeta. Goku is also on here primarily for his fighting potential. His 5-Star Transphere Super Attack, Super Spirit Bomb, is a weapon of mass destruction against a distracted Raider, though it depends on which one they’re up against.

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Also, his other Super Attacks, that being Spirit Bomb, Kaioken Assualt, and Kamehameha, all have their own pros and cons. As far as Passive Skills go, there’s only one worth using on him: Kaioken Rush.

2 Piccolo

Onto the final two Transpheres, and it’s actually Demon King Piccolo himself who gets the silver medal in second place. Piccolo is a Transphere who players likely want to have 70 percent for his Passive Skills and 30 percent for his Special Beam Cannon and Ki Blasts.

To be more precise, it’s one Passive Skill they want specifically, which is Barrier Auto Recovery. His other options of Ki Tracking and Wall of Defense are entirely ignorable. Now, as a fighter,r Piccolo is actually amazing. His Ki Blast is just him using the Special Beam Cannon, which is every bit as useful as Tien’s Dodon Ray, and using it as his Super Attack just means it deals even more damage.

1 Krillin

Now, who would’ve expected this short stack to get the gold medal for Transpheres in Dragon Ball: The Breakers? Amazingly, Krillin truly deserves it, as he has two useful Passive Skills, one of the best (and most hilarious) Active Skills, good Ki Blasts, and a great Super Attack with Destructo Disc.

In fact, any player who pulls a Krillin will likely get something on him that they’ll find useful for winning matches. The sheer fact that he offers Expert Driver (Speed Boost), which makes Bulma’s Bike even faster, is enough to propel him to the top three, and all his other benefits are what pushed him to the number one spot.

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