Fallout 3 had one of the best introductory sequences in gaming history; living through the definitive young years of The Lone Wanderer feels like a treat in every sense. One must appreciate that the game pulls no punches when cementing the role-playing aspect. The main story of Fallout 3 is quite compelling on its own, and an integral part of this is Dogmeat, whose descendants come in every Fallout game except in Fallout: New Vegas. And he is back in Fallout 4 as a companion through thick and thin.

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One of the essential aspects of Fallout 3, which made it such a monumental game that it’s still held in high regard, is that the side missions present in the game are also brilliant. This makes for an engaging distraction that will keep fans entertained and occupied at every step of the way. During one of these side missions, players meet characters that were later shown in Fallout 4, thus indicating that both games are present in the same universe.

Give The GOAT Test A Retry

In Fallout 4, the world feels more lived-in and detailed. Given the fact that Fallout 4 is easily one of the most technically advanced games in the series, it’s only natural that the game world would also feel like a massive upgrade over past Fallout games. Players experience that every area in the game is packed with a ton of detail, making for a massively entertaining experience that never lets exploration become a second thought.

The Environment in Fallout 3’s world is more atmospheric and personifies the Wasteland Moniker. However, while the Commonwealth might seem more lively, colorful, and engaging in Fallout 4, there’s no denying the fact that its prequel nailed the atmosphere of a barren wasteland that has been ravaged by nuclear war. In addition to this, the post-apocalyptic vibes in Fallout 3 are genuinely immense and thus make it one of the most immersive open-worlds of all time. Carrying on the legacy of post-apocalyptic wastelands, Fallout 4 has nailed the atmosphere and overall look, making the series a truly marvelous experience for its loyal fans.

Another reference to its predecessor, Fallout 4 has the SAFE test, which is a screening test required to get entry to Covenant and monitor those that pass through the settlement. Its primary purpose is to seek out those who are possible synths, and those who fail the test are then kidnapped and taken to the Covenant, where they are subjected to further torture and interrogation. The SAFE test is actually a modified version of the GOAT test that players had to give in Fallout 3. Fallout creators did make an effort to remove all the vault references, and question 10 of the GOAT test is removed.

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Credit Goes To Bethesda Studios

The advancement of Bethesda as a game development studio can be seen when one compares the overall gameplay in Fallout 4 compared to Fallout 3. In Fallout 3, one of the most important references for Fallout 4 were Railroad and Institute storylines during the “The Replicated Man” sidequest.

Going through the twists and turns that the story has in store for the player as they track down Shaun is quite entertaining and compels the player to focus on the main story for once instead of getting distracted with all the side content, the norm for most Bethesda games. One subtle hint to Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas is the Wasteland Survival Guide, common to both games and the presence of Paladin Danse. Paladin Danse is a possible companion in Fallout 4 as part of the Brotherhood, but he was present in Fallout 3 as a junk trader living in Rivet City.

Other than the references to the Commonwealth and Railroad, Fallout 3 had many connections to Fallout 4, with the former taking place just ten years before the latter. Such concerns make one think that both games occur in the same universe. For starters, the characters of Arthur Maxson and Robert Macready show up in Fallout 4 with a background story. Fans of the series recognize Arthur Maxson as the last descendant of the Maxson lineage. He served as a squire in the Citadel in 2277(Fallout 3) and currently serves as the supreme commander of the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood in 2287.

Robert Joseph MacCready, or RJ, was the former mayor of Little Lamplight in Fallout 3 and has become a mercenary operating in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. Robert Macready is a potential permanent companion of the Sole Survivor and is an essential character during Fallout 4.

Another character found in both games is Dr. Madison Li, a scientist working on portable fusion power and hydroponics experiments in Rivet City in 2277. She became an integral part of the Commonwealth as its head for advanced systems division in the Institute. Dr.Li is the first distinct face seen by the player character after she carries the Lone Wanderer away while Catherine is going through a cardiac arrest during the birthing scene. Thus, Bethesda Studios have done a pretty impressive job connecting Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 with hints of characters, organizations, and even the apocalypse in both games.

Fallout 4 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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