With this in mind, fans’ minds are racing with possibilities as to what summons will make it into the final product. One wonders if these classic beasts will have personalities, or if they will just be connected to the story because of the people who have the ability to call them into battle.
10 In The Trailer: Shiva
Always a classic, Shiva generally shows up in some respect for every Final Fantasy. Despite what one can only assume to be an immensely busy schedule, she will not take a break for Final Fantasy XVI as the trailer shows her fighting another summon. While this moment was highly cinematic, one hopes the gameplay will include some moments of the player controlling a summon while fighting another one.
9 Want To See: Odin
As of now, all the summons showed off in the trailer are bestial or else wield some sort of magic. It would be nice if at least one of them was a non-elemental, traditional fighter jumping around the battlefield with a giant sword. The Norse god has also been out of the Final Fantasy limelight for quite some time, making it an appropriate time to return, especially since the character passed away in the MCU.
8 In The Trailer: Titan
Titan takes many forms in the series. In Final Fantasy VII the monster shows up as a muscular strong man twice to lift up the ground and drop enemies on their heads.
In the new game it looks a little more like the incarnation from Final Fantasy XV, appearing to be made from rocks. Whatever form it takes, few people want to be on the receiving end of its attacks.
7 Want To See: Leviathan
As of now, all the summons shown are either flying or bipedal. Leviathan does not fit into either of these categories, which would make it the perfect addition to the summons roster. Would it slither on the ground like a snake, bring a tsunami where it goes, or would players only be able to use when a body of water was somewhere on the battlefield?
6 In The Trailer: Ifrit
In Final Fantasy XV, the player could not summon Ifrit into battle, and it instead was one of the last bosses. The monster shows up once again in Final Fantasy XVI, though it is unclear if the beast will be on the player’s side at any point in the story. Given the early state of the game, fans are still unsure how any of the summons will work in the final release.
5 Want To See: Alexander
In Final Fantasy VIII, Alexander is the only summon, or Guardian Force, with a Holy elemental attached to its attack, making it invaluable for certain bosses and foes. In the PlayStation 1 games he looks like a giant steampunk knight, which would make a next generation version of the design quite a sight to behold.
4 In The Trailer: Phoenix
Aerial summons always have a special place on the roster, and Phoenix is generally a good one to have at the ready. In Final Fantasy VII it can revive the party members, and equipping it with a certain Materia can activate it upon the party’s defeat, reviving everyone when a game over would normally activate. Whatever it does in the game, here’s hoping its mechanic is equally as unique, making it a must-have for every player.
3 Want To See: Hades
Nothing beats the god of the underworld, especially when it is on the player’s side. While the actor’s reputation has dwindled somewhat in recent years, James Woods ensured the god’s presence in pop culture thanks to the Disney animated film, Hercules.
The creatures in Final Fantasy XVI look to be massive in size, so just imagine how incredibly intimidating it would be to see this legendary Greek god towering above soldiers on the battlefield as it battles Shiva or Ifrit.
2 Want To See: Bahamut
Another one who is constantly appearing in the franchise, Bahamut is typically reserved as one of the last summons players acquire on their journey. Sometimes players fight it as a boss. He also is not always a playable summon, like his role in the original Final Fantasy on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Given the average size of the summons present in the trailer, having to fight Bahamut would be a truly daunting task, even more frightening than the fight in Final Fantasy VII Remake.
1 Want To See: Knights Of The Round
Everybody who unlocked this summon in Final Fantasy VII fondly remembered seeing the stunning animation for the first time. Future uses of the summon were helpful because players could use the time to take their car in for an oil change, do their taxes, or watch Lawrence of Arabia.
If hidden summons make an appearance in the upcoming game, one imagines these knights will make a glorious return, assuming they are not already redesigned and used for an entry in the Final Fantasy VII remakes.
Next: Every Aeon In Final Fantasy X, Ranked