The cast of unique characters that are available to play within Overwatch is the lifeblood of the game’s personality, influence, engagement, and replayability. Alongside the difference in combat capabilities and gameplay that these playable heroes bring, it is also the array of representation that they provide that works so well.

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North America

North America is represented by a fairly high amount of playable in-game heroes, being the second-highest continent in terms of representation within Overwatch. Predictably, many of the iconic heroes from the game hail from the USA. Both Ashe and the newly-named Cassidy trace their roots to the United States, representing the country’s South with their “Wild West” style aesthetics and personalities. Both Reaper and Soldier 76 also represent the USA, although in a much more vague and less on-the-nose fashion.

North American representation isn’t limited to the USA, however, with Baptiste hailing from the island of Haiti. In addition to this, the damage-dealing Sombra represents North America with her origins lying in Mexico.


Africa is a continent that also receives a fair amount of important representation within the diverse cast of Overwatch. Of all the African countries, Egypt gets the most representation, with both Ana and Pharah being of Egyptian origin. Pharah, in particular, represents Egypt quite pertinently, with her hair being held with traditional gold bands and having an Eye of Horus tattoo on her face. Doomfist also represents Africa with his Nigerian roots, as well as Orisa technically representing Africa by hailing from the fictional in-game city of Numbani.

South America

South America, while receiving representation, is sadly the least represented continent within the cast of Overwatch. The only hero to represent South America is that of the music-minded support class Lucio, who traces his roots to Brazil.


Although not in a traditional or culturally accurate sense, Australia is technically represented by the heroes of Overwatch. Both Junkrat and Roadhog are of Australian origin, with Australia being a destroyed and relatively lawless country for the most part within Overwatch lore. Junkrat and Roadhog represent Australia in a Mad Max type of way, thanks to their “dieselpunk” aesthetics and personalities.


Asia has quite a lot of representation within the Overwatch cast. The resourceful D.VA is of South Korean origin, with both Hanzo and Genji hailing from Japan and representing the country with their traditional weapon choices. The icy Mei is also one of the heroes who represent Asia, with her origins tracing back to China. The damage-focused Symmetra is also representative of the wider Asian continent, being of Indian descent.


Europe is by far the most represented continent amongst the Overwatch heroes. Both Brigitte and Torbjorn are of Swedish origin, while the iconic healer Mercy is of Swiss descent. The crusader tank Reinhardt is of historical German origin, with the more recently implemented tank Sigma being Dutch.

The time-bending Tracer is the only British hero with her English lineage, while the ranged Widowmaker is of French heritage and birth. The female tank Zarya is the last European that is represented within Overwatch, hailing from Russia.

Overwatch is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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