Rather than a yearly co-op mission through the Archives event, Overwatch 2 will give players access to a full-length story campaign spanning the entire world. Characters will have multiple skill trees to fill out, heavily evolving their heroes and allowing them to fight in ways that fit certain playstyles best. Hundreds of side missions will also be available, and while different objectives will go a long way to making PvE feel fresh enough for fans to keep coming back, Overwatch 2’s enemies will be even more crucial to the experience. Fortunately, it seems like Blizzard is putting plenty of work into this area, providing lots of different Omnic foes for players to fight against.

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The basic enemy type of Overwatch 2, these figures appear to function like the Nulltroopers seen in the first game’s PvE missions. Easy to take down and firing assault rifle-like shots from their arms, players will be firing through these enemies as they take on larger omnic threats. It is worth noting that there will be an Elite variant of this enemy type as well, with this version firing purple bullets in a burst fire pattern — making their shots deal more damage while also being harder to dodge. After their health is depleted, they will quickly charge towards the player using their front arms, meaning that Overwatch fans will need to finish them off before they get close.


One recently revealed Overwatch 2 enemy type is the Breacher, a foe that walks on two legs toward objectives. Holding a large bomb on its back, the Breacher walks awkwardly to areas players need to defend before transforming. Once in place, it begins to charge and make a loud beeping noise, warning players that it is about to explode. If not taken out in time, significant damage will be dealt to an objective.


The most interesting new enemy type that was revealed at BlizzConline is undoubtedly the Puller, which essentially functions as the Overwatch universe’s version of Left 4 Dead’s witch. Making a terrifying noise when it spawns in, the machine is a unique mix of graceful and gnarly. Tall and wearing an elegant dress, the blindfolded Elite enemy throws orbs at the player that suck them toward her. If she is not killed before they reach the end of the beam, the ends of her hair will open to reveal claws that instantly kill the grabbed player — making her a major threat that needs to be focused upon.


One of the enemy types in Overwatch 2’s PvE mode that players know least about, these bots could function as flying turrets or shield drones. In a piece of art shared by Blizzard that depicts all the known omnic enemies, these Orbiters can be seen floating above. Overwatch’s fan base will need to wait to learn more about what exactly these flying foes can do.


These enemies, lovingly referred to as “chickens” by Blizzard, are making a comeback in the sequel. First appearing in Overwatch’s Uprising event, the small bots swarm the payload and fire their lasers directly into it, dealing massive damage over time if ignored. The Overwatch 2 variants can spawn on walls, speeding down them quickly to get the element of surprise on players.


Originally called Skirmishers at Overwatch 2’s BlizzCon 2019 reveal, these enemies give players a more standard enemy that can jump and fly around the area to reposition itself. Looking like something out of the Transformers franchise, these winged red enemies should prove to be a blast to fight — especially for heroes like Pharah and Echo that can chase after them in the sky. The cannon between their wings also looks intimidating, implying that they will be able to fire mortar-like shots and shoot while in the sky.

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These massive omnics are another type of elite enemy players will fight in Overwatch 2, and the developers have paid special attention to its design. Showing damage states on its two, double-barreled energy cannons, players can tell when they are hurting the enemy and progressing through its phases. Much like smaller enemies have physics that see them falling into other foes and knocking them down, players will be able to shoot off the weaponry of this larger target — a solid feature that makes it stand out from the rest of the PvE foes.


Overwatch 2’s first boss enemy is the Behemoth, and it will function as the final fight of the Rio De Janeiro story mission. Essentially a massive rhino, as this Omnic boasts the horn of the animal, players can expect to see the robot charging at opponents and doing massive damage if attacks land. With the Rio mission shown to have destruction, a scenario could play out where the Behemoth tears down the environment, though its cannon arm suggests some ranged attacks as well.

Unconfirmed Enemy Types

There are several unconfirmed enemy types for Overwatch 2, as multiple monk-like foes have been shown in concept art. A few Null Sector enemies from Storm Rising and Uprising have not yet appeared in footage, and it is unknown if players will fight Talon at all in the story. If they do, though, more possible enemy types from past missions could appear in the sequel. They include:

OR-14 - The basis for the tank hero Orisa, these bots can suck opponents in and place shields just like the playable hero.

B73 - Variants of the hero Bastion, these mobile turrets can take players down fast if not focused.

Detonator - Large, floating bombs, these enemies were the predecessor of the sequel’s Breachers.

Eradicators - Holding personal shields like Reinhardt and wielding a shoulder cannon, Overwatch 2 currently does not have enemies like this.

Talon Troopers - Basic human enemies wielding Assault Rifles, they can roll around like McCree and crouch behind cover.

Talon Assassins - Spawns on walls and laughs to signify arrival, this scary enemy pounces on players and can stab them to death if teammates don’t intervene.

Talon Snipers - Wielding a sniper rifle like the Overwatch hero Widowmaker, these foes lay down heavy damage quickly.

Talon Enforcers - Using chargeable shotguns, these enemies function like Troopers — only with more health and a stronger weapon.

Talon Heavy Assault - The strongest Talon foe, these mini bosses can charge like Reinhardt and have a weak spot on their backs, allowing players to strategize about how to bring them down. They wield two miniguns.

Spider Tanks and Titans - Only shown in Overwatch’s concept art, the Zero Hour short, and the first game’s intro cinematic, these massive foes from the first Civil War could be great bosses.

With Overwatch 2’s Storm Rising cutscene setting up a working relationship between the evil omnics and Talon, it is possible that players face off with characters like Doomfist, Reaper, Moira, Sombra, Sigma, and Widowmaker in proper boss fights. This is purely speculation, however. Regardless of whether these unconfirmed enemies show up, though, the confirmed PvE lineup for Overwatch 2 is already looking more varied and fun than it did last time it was shown.

Overwatch 2 is in development for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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