Since the hack of the PSN back in mid-April, many gamers have been without their vital video game services. It began first with a complete shut down of the PSN and then even extended to the SOE servers — completely wiping out a majority of Sony’s major titles’ usefulness.

It took over a month filled with broken promises and misinformation before Sony finally began the first phase of PSN Restoration which brought both online capabilities and third-party services like Netflix back to their respective fan base.

The only thing that was missing amidst the joy of having the PSN back online was the ability to redeem many of the DLC, downloadable titles, and alternate services that are tied with the PlayStation Store. Things like Portal 2’s Steam integration, Mortal Kombat’s Online Pass, and the recently announced Rockstar Pass for L.A. Noire were so close, but yet so far away.

Thankfully, all that will change tomorrow, as gamers are surely going to flood the Store with everything from DLC redemption to downloadable title purchases. It’s going to be a great day for gamers, publishers, and Sony.

This is, of course, not the end of the healing process for Sony, as the “Welcome Back” program — while explicitly detailed — has not yet begun. Providing both PS3 and PSP gamers with a select duo of titles, this program will signify that the PSN shenanigans are hopefully behind us.

Currently, the PSN should be down for maintenance, but once it comes back online, we expect many of the services that have been long since missing, will make their glorious return. Better start getting all of your DLC redemption codes in order.

What is the first thing you are going to redeem/buy once the PlayStation Store returns? Does the PlayStation Store coming back online signal the end of the PSN hack storyline for you?