As the name implies, Friend Fest 2019 is an event based around activities related to friends. As such, there will be bonuses for raiding with friends and reduced costs for trades. Furthermore, Pokemon that emphasize friendship, groups, or family will have increased spawn rates, even their shiny forms! This includes familiar faces like Diglett and Exeggcute. Finally, with the first ever Friend Fest come many new research field tasks for trainers to complete. The following tasks are available in Pokemon GO from November 27th, 1pm PST to December 2nd, 1pm PST and the rewards can be claimed anytime during or after that period.
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Field Research Tasks
Catch a Nidoran (male), Reward: Nidoran (female) Encounter with a CP Range of 319 - 349
Catch a Nidoran (female), Reward: Nidoran (male) Encounter with a CP Range of 337 - 369
Trade a Pokemon with a friend, Reward: 500 stardust and a Nidorino Encounter with a CP Range of 557-597 or Nidorina Encounter CP Range of 522 - 561
Make 3 new friends, Reward: Nidoking Encounter with a CP Range of 1046 - 1100 or Nidoqueen Encounter with a CP Range of 1013 - 1066
Win a trainer battle against another trainer, Reward: Dodrio Encounter with a CP Range of 960 - 1012 or Dugtrio Encounter with a CP Range of 629 - 672
In the end, Friend Fest is another event filled with rewards and benefits that veteran trainers can take advantage of. At the same time, new trainers and those looking to return can easily hop in and begin playing. By asking friends or even making new ones, they can immediately add some reward Pokemon to get their foot in the door. In that case, the Pokemon acquired during this event will be a good foundation to grow and strengthen their roster. And eventually, trainers and their teams will be strong enough to take on the toughest challenges in raid battles.
Pokemon GO is available for the iOS and Android mobile devices.
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Source: Leek Duck