Before jumping into the Pokemon GO Fest 2020 Puzzle clues and answers, though, it is important to mention that on July 21 Niantic indicated that it had accidentally skipped one clue. This omission has been corrected for in what is listed below, but players that have been following along daily, and are simply looking here to fill in an answer or two, may need to make some adjustments to their puzzles overall.

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Pokemon GO Fest Puzzle Clues and Answers

Clue 01: This league of GO Battle League was introduced on March 27, 2020. Pokemon have to be 2500 CP or under to compete.

Answer 01: Ultra

Clue 02: This Pokemon was the first to be able to learn the move Hydro Cannon by evolving on Community Day.

Answer 02: Blastoise

Clue 03: This water and electric type Pokemon was featured on the Safari Zone Liverpool art.

Answer 03: Chinchou

Clue 04: This Mythical Pokemon made the wishes of many Trainers come true at Pokemon GO Fest 2019!

Answer 04: Jirachi

Clue 05: You place one of these in Pokemon GO to attract Pokemon to a PokeStop.

Answer 05: Lure

Clue 06: You need a battle rating of 2100 or higher to reach this rank in GO Battle League.

Answer 06: 9

Clue 07: This Unown form is similar to the 24th letter of the English alphabet.

Answer 07: X

Clue 08: You can bring this many Pokemon in your party to a Raid in Pokemon GO.

Answer 08: 6

Clue 09: This team recently invaded Pokemon GO via balloon!

Answer 09: Rocket

Clue 10: This Pokemon was featured in Limited Research in February of 2019.

Answer 10: Clamperl

Clue 11: Pokemon GO is this many years old!

Answer 11: 4

Clue 12: If you complete research tasks for this many days in a row you unlock a Research Breakthrough!

Answer 12: 7

Clue 13: This Pokemon was featured for Community Day in April of 2020.

Answer 13: Abra

Pokemon GO fans can now use these details to solve the GO Fest Puzzle by simply taking the first letters of the full-word answers and creating a string of characters. For full clarity, the PoGO Fest Puzzle solution is UBCJL9X6RC47A.

With respect to what PoGO players should do with the puzzle solution, it can be entered through Niantic’s rewards page. To note, fans should take a bit of care when inputting this character string, as too many incorrect entries will make it so that they are temporarily unable to claim their reward. Additionally, players are currently receiving indication that all of the rewards have been redeemed.

Pokemon GO is available now in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Pokemon GO Datamine Reveals Possible August Community Day Pokemon