Before providing a map and descriptions of all of the Hidden Cargo Intel locations in Call of Duty: Warzone, it is important to mention that only one Intel can be collected per match. This means that players will need to participate in at least five matches to get this new Intel Mission done, and it is recommended that fans that are primarily focused on completing Hidden Cargo work on it in Warzone’s Plunder game mode.

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With that established, here are all five Hidden Cargo Intel Mission locations in Warzone:

Call of Duty: Warzone - Hidden Cargo Intel Locations

Find the location in the message Ghost sent you: On the highest point of the Verdansk Train Station near the flagpole. Land on this location when dropping in. Cargo may have arrived via ports of entry: In the control room at the top of the middle crane below the City of Verdansk Port. Someone was paid off to keep an area clear: Surrounded by shipping containers in the City of Verdansk Port. There was an inspection scheduled at the port: On a desk in the back of the building with a yellow stripe around it at the City of Verdansk Port. The cargo was headed to a WHP site: In the building at the south end of the WHP Camp with a yellow triangle on the wall near its front door. On the top floor.

If a player is still having trouble locating some of the intel in CoD: Warzone’s Hidden Cargo mission after looking at the map and details above, then it is recommended that they watch the following video. Indeed, this video provides even further visual reference for this mission’s locations, and it should allow fans to finish up these tasks from Ghost with relative ease.

Call of Duty: Warzone is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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