After about two weeks, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Beta has finally come to an end. The Beta did a great job of letting players test out some of the sequel’s new movement and customization mechanics, while also showing off some brand-new maps and game modes. But while players now have a good idea of what’s in store for Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer component, they’re still a little unclear on what to expect from the game’s campaign mode. Thankfully, there are a handful of extremely brief trailers that, when compiled together, give fans a better idea of what’s to come.

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Campaign Early Access Trailer

Releasing on August 16, this brief 30-second trailer acts as a teaser for the rest of the trailers that followed in the subsequent weeks, showcasing tiny snippets from each one. Fans get another look at this reboot’s version of Task Force 141, with Soap, Ghost, Price, and the rest of the team being shown throughout the trailer. A few classic Call of Duty set-pieces are also teased, including scaling a skyscraper and lying in tall grass with a sniper and ghillie suit.

The end of the trailer emphasizes the purpose behind each of these brief teasers: to try and market Modern Warfare 2’s campaign ahead of its early access launch. While Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 releases worldwide on October 28, eager fans will be able to play MW2’s campaign mode up to a week early if they pre-order it.

Campaign Early Access - Tower Trailer

On 26 August, Call of Duty released its next campaign teaser. Called “Tower,” this trailer sees Task Force 141 land on a skyscraper’s roof via helicopter, and proceed to rappel down the side of the building. Long-time fans of the series might be reminded of Call of Duty: Ghosts here, with one of its only standout missions being a similar skyscraper excursion. The few lines of dialogue in the trailer suggest that missiles are on their way to the city and that some sort of hostage situation is developing inside the building. It seems as though Task Force 141’s objective here is to sneak into the building, find the hostages, and secure the room - all classic Modern Warfare stuff. The trailer even ends with a character breaching open a door, a staple of the franchise.

Campaign Early Access - Backstabbed Trailer

Beginning the month with a fresh new trailer, “Backstabbed” dropped on September 2 and sees Task Force 141 break into an estate, only to then have to flee it moments later. Based on the name and the context given in the trailer, it could be possible that TF141 has been led into some sort of trap and need to make a mad dash past enemy forces to escape. This teaser also hints that players will be able to play as Soap once again, as from a first-person perspective, the new Mexican Special Forces member of the team Vargas looks at the player-character and says “On me Soap.”

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Campaign Early Access - Close Air Trailer

The shortest trailer of the lot, “Close Air” sees Task Force 141 storming yet another estate and farmland, but this time it looks to be set in Mexico. As Vargas and Ghost rush behind cover, Soap signals for air support. The camera then cuts to an AC-130 flying above them, where a first-person camera perspective shows the player firing a missile into a house below, obliterating it. Air support missions are another fan-favorite of the Modern Warfare series, so it’s good to see them return here with all-updated visuals and physics.

Campaign Early Access - Strike Trailer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s next campaign teaser, titled “Strike,” sees the player-character navigate a network of claustrophobic canyons as a helicopter flies overhead. Being the first trailer to actually show some extended first-person gameplay, this is the first teaser that really showcases Modern Warfare 2’s improved graphics, with light streaming through leaves and hitting the rocks in incredibly realistic detail. As the player reaches the end of the canyon, they look out at the desert in front of them, which seems to be littered with small ruins, likely harboring some bad guys. This could be a sniper-centric mission, another staple of the Modern Warfare brand and one of the highlights of this game’s 2019 predecessor.

Campaign Early Access - Borderline Trailer

The most recent trailer released so far, “Borderline” shows off few set-pieces, but it does give fans a better idea of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s story. As two characters travel across a river in a boat, a voiceover states “Do not let Hassan cross the border.” This likely refers to one of the game’s main antagonists, Major Hassan Zyani, a ruthless dictator. Another voice line chimes in asking where the FBI is, to which another voice replies, “Right now, you’re all we got.” It seems as though Task Force 141 is once again going to be out on its own, with nothing to stand between them and a vicious enemy.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 releases October 28 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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